Friday, March 19, 2010

It's gonna be O.K., by Jessica Davis, sixth grade

Jessica Davis 3/19/09 It’s gonna be ok

My heart pounded in my chest, but I couldn’t slow down and I couldn’t look back. There was no doubt about it. It was getting closer. I looked back.
“AWWWWW!” I wailed as the bell rang to come inside from recess.
“Well I guess I can start a new game tomorrow.” I thought aloud. I leaped from the rocks in line to where my entire class was lined up.
“your late, again.” Mrs. Anderson scolded me.
“sorry I was playing a game.” I atemped to convince Mrs. Anderson , but she didn’t buy it.
“well class, let’s head inside.” Mrs. Anderson said in a angry tone, while glaring at me. I shrugged my solders. Mrs. Anderson looked away and led the class inside. The entire class glared at me as if in agreement with Mrs. Anderson.
“C’mon guys.” I pleaded
“I was just playing a game.” I tried to explain to my class but like Mrs. Anderson they didn’t understand.
“Well I guess not everyone understands me.” I whispered under my breath.
I walked into class with my shoulders slumped. But Mrs. Anderson didn’t seem t notice. So we started working in math. I just couldn’t sit still, I didn’t understand what we were doing. The teacher stepped outside with another teacher. I could over hear what they were saying. They were talking about me and my problems. Did I have problems? I questioned myself. I couldn’t take it anymore. I got out of my chair and ran to the doorway.
“what did I do that was so wrong?” I Screamed at the teachers.
“How come your talking about me.” I questioned the teachers.
“Well honey, we just want you to get the help you need, that’s all.” Mrs. Anderson tried to explain to me.
“I need help?” I asked Mrs. Anderson
“Well everyone needs help sometimes.” Mrs. Anderson explained.
“So I didn’t do anything wrong?” I asked Mrs. Anderson.
“No, you just need help. That’s all.” Mrs. Anderson replied in a soothing voice, much different than the voice she used earlier. I walked back into the classroom and sat in my seat.
Before I knew it the day was over. Once I got off the bus I ran towards my house surprised to see that the door was open.
“Mom why are you home?” I asked confused
“I got a call from school. They want us to have you checked out for ADHD.” My mom replied sadly.
“whats that?” I wondered aloud
“ It’s when little*-*e kids just can’t sit still. So we are going to go to the doctor this evening, ok honey?” I just walked away. I climbed the stairs to my room and fell asleep. About an hour later my mom called me downstairs.
“were going to the doctor now.” My mom explained. I yawned and nodded. I sleeply stepped into the car and fell asleep again. Once we got to the doctors officethe doctor proudly greeted us. I am guessing he was trying to make us feel as comfortable as possible because the prediciment we were in wasn’t a comfortable one at all.
“Hello. I’m Dr. Green.” Dr. Green handed me a
picture book to look at while he stepped outside to talk with my mom. I smelled the sterile smell of latex fill the room. I continued to look at the picture book. Soon after I heard the door creak open, it was my mom and the doctor who appered. The doctor hooked me up to a lot of tubes and cords.

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