Friday, March 19, 2010

The Attacks on John Edwards, by Andrew Erickson 6th grade

My heart pounded in my chest, but I couldn’t slow down and couldn’t look back. There was now doubt about it. He was getting closer by the second. “I don’t understand why he is chasing me. I don’t remember doing anything wrong. I was just driving home from school when he started to chase me.” It’s been an hour and I don’t think I will be able to stay ahead of him. He doesn’t seem human but he looks like a man. The thing I don’t understand is I am driving as fast as I can and he can catch up by running. I hope it will tired and slow down a little. My name is John and I am in 11th grade. “It seems to be slowing down a little but not much. I think I can loose it on the freeway if there are enough other cars behind me.” It seems to be catching up now it is small enough to get between cars, I have to get of the freeway, so I am going to that gas station so I can see what it wants. I’m getting out of my car and it attacks me. So I defended myself but it is to powerful. So I grabbed a hammer out of the back of my car to hit it. It certainly is not human but it looks like a man. So I hit it with the hammer on what looked like the head it made a loud ding and then it fell over. It seems to be destroyed but I am not sure. I hoped into my car to head home when it started to get up but then it fell over and didn’t move. “I will stay home until I go fishing tomorrow.

**********1 day later**********

I am surprised how much this fish is puling my fishing line. This is the biggest fish I’ve ever seen. It seems to be chasing me but it looks more like a robot than a fish to me. I don’t get it I was just fishing and this robot starts to chase me. I must try to destroy it before it attacks me and maybe kill me. I slowed down and I jumped on my boat. So I grabbed a fishing net and whacked it with the pole. Then I wrapped it up in a net and shoved it overboard into the river and it sank to the bottom. I headed home quickly because I didn’t want to take any more chances with robots attacking me.

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