Saturday, March 20, 2010

Park ‘O’ Death, by Kaitlyn Hepp, grade 6

“… And now I don’t have a job!” Adam sobbed. “They fired me over $5.00 of bubble gum!?!” looking around the abandoned church with its smashed windows and lopsided pews he wiped his eyes on the back of his sleeve. “ I’m eighteen I shouldn’t be crying like a baby even if I’m broke, my mother hates me, and I don’t have anywhere to live, Damn it!!” He picked his way across the church to the door. A slight breeze was blowing through the big stain glass window behind the alter, or what was left of the window. Adam looked through the colored panes to see a tall, lanky, brown-haired kid walk into the graveyard.
“Where is it?” looking around sixteen year-old Hunter Daniel entered the graveyard. Walking between the rows searching the stones with his peculiar eyes. Little did he know he was being followed.
“Oh!” Adam gasped as he caught sight of the boys face. One eye was blue yet the other green. He looks only 16 he should be in school Adam thought to himself. Adam opened the little black iron gate to the cemetery “SQUEAK!” “Darn it, never trust gates with a hinge missing.” He muttered. Adam wasn’t the only one that heard. Hunter whipped his head around, starring at his follower.
“Who are you?” Hunter never had trouble getting straight to the point.
“Adam, the guy that used to work at the gas station, who used to have a place to live, and the guy that used to have a mother that loved him. What about you kid?” Adam said.
“Hunter, the guy that used to go to high school, the guy that used to live with his parents but ran away, and the guy that has a mother that probably isn’t to happy with him right now. In other words nothing new.” While they were talking they had wandered to the old rusty metal swing set in the old rusty park “next door”.
“Ladies first.” Adam said with a bow, gesturing to the swings.
“Hilarious.” Hunter scowled at Adam, but plopped right on down.
“So, you dumped high school.” Said Adam sitting on the swing next to Hunter. “I did too.” He laughed.
We have so much in common.” said Hunter sarcastically.
“Actually we do our mo…” he never did finish that sentence actually. For Adam had noticed something… something strange.
“What, what is i…” Hunter followed Adams horrified gaze, the swings they were moving! There was no wind, no one else in the park. Just them and the swings, moving soundlessly. Wait what? Soundlessly? To be silent they would have to be… oiled. Hunter thought to himself.
“This place is giving me the creeps. We should leave, something’s not right here.” Adams voice started to shake.
Scrambling they ran for the side walk only to stumble, blinded by a bright light that rose out of the ground around the property.
“RUN!” Hunter screamed. So that’s what they did, smack into a 20 foot high ancient looking metal fence.
“Oh no. It goes all the way around the whole park we can’t get out!” Adam became hysteric, he was hyperventilating. They simultaneously spun around to face the church. Some sound was coming from the graveyard.
“Why do I feel like scary music should be playing in the background?” Hunter whispered softly. Then they could see it, the dirt freshly turned with groaning sounds coming from underneath it. They started backing up right to the black iron fence.
Looking to the sky Adam cried” Why? Why do I have to die?”
“Will you please, SHUT UP!” Hunter ended in a yell.
They turned back to the cemetery. Hunters eyes widened, fingers were appearing on the edges of the graves, pulling at the dirt. Rising, something was rising out of the graves.
“This is not good. But I’m not going to die, I’m not going to die.” Adam squeaked.
A smoky mist came out of the churches windows. “Find thy sword or you shall perish…” a ghost!!! The ghost came out of the mist dressed in a priests robe.
“Oh, Father forgive me!” Adam cried falling to his knees.
“Snap out of it!” Hunter hissed shoving his elbow into Adams ribs.
“OW! Oh right – ghosts – not good.” Adam said shaking his head and reaching into his pocket. His hand brushed against something. His bubble gum!
By now the zombies had gotten at least their waists out of the graves pushing with all their strength to get their legs out. “Zombies! Really, why not skeletons, zombies are so much scarier!” Adam whined.
“Stop whining! What do you think, that I can control that?” Hunter asked.
“Yes, yes I do.” Adam replied.
“Oh my... OK well remember what that priest said? We have to find the sword or we will die.”
“That’s not what he said he said perish.” Said Adam tartly.
“That’s what perish means!” Hunter was being rubbed raw. “I’ll go find this sword and you stay here and well kick some zombie.” Hunter set off running.
“But…Bu…” Adam stammered “OH…OOOH!” Adam screamed. The zombies were walking through the fence towards him. He fainted.
Turning around Hunter saw Adam faint. “Just my luck. I’m stuck in here with a sissy.” Hunter muttered. “ADAM!” Hunter yelled at the top of his 16 year-old lungs. Seeing his friend get back up he turned trying to find the sword. He heard a sound… “Ahoooo!” “Ahoooo!” He looked up ghosts were flying over the trees “Oh no…” Hunter started to say but he saw something. Something that would make their lives a whole lot easier. “The sword!” rejoicing Hunter started climbing the tree reaching the sword he said “Take this Mom, take this principal, take this stupid school!” he yanked on the sword with each word he said. “Hoi-yah!” Hunter cried raising the sword in one hand getting in a ninja pose he had seen on TV. “Sweet!” He was loving it!
Over on Adams side of the park Adam was panicking, he was surrounded my zombies. Their feet making thudding noises as they trampled the grass. One by one the zombies came forward slowly so slowly. “I’m not going to die, not going to die.” Adam whimpered. The zombies came closer and closer yet. Panicking Adam threw out a fist punching the zombies head right off! Amazed he stared at his hand. “Wow!” was all he could say. Now he started to enjoy himself spinning and kicking he pounded off head after head. Laughing he shouted “I’m king of the park!” before going back to his boxing match. “Watch out Jackie Chan the Adaminator is coming to town!”
“Really!” Hunter shook his head smiling slightly. Sprinting he got to Adam with the sword, “What should I do now?” he asked.
“How about you stay here with the zombies,” he paused to punch a head, “while I go execute my own plan!” Adam ran off with those words hanging in the air.
“Fine then.” Hunter declared, chopping off hands, feet, arms, toes, fingers, anything he could get at, like a madman.
Dodging past zombie after zombie Adam ran to the little kids jungle gym. Stuffing a handful of gum in his mouth he swung up onto the monkey bars. Chewing he swung to a platform, kicking off some zombie heads with each swing. He stuffed more gum in his mouth. With $3.00 worth of bubble gum in his mouth he waved his hand in the air shrugging off Hunters questioning stares. He spit the $5.00 worth of bubble gum into his hand taking out his new stolen pen (that used to be his old boss’) and drew some lines into the slimy glob.
Finishing his creation at last hr ran into the field of zombies and thought You cost me my job but you just might save my life. With that he yelled “Free brains! Who wants ‘em?” he dropped the “brains” and ran to where Hunter was standing.
“You look like you took a shower!” Adam laughed.
“It’s called sweat.” Hunter had to crack a smile. Turning they watched as one by one the zombies choked on the gum and disintegrated.
“It’s just like the movies!” Adam was enjoying himself. When all the zombie s had disintegrated the ghosts flew away, like they had seen death, which they actually had before.
“Congratulations, you are blessed.” The ghost of the priest said in his wispy voice, and right before their eyes he vanished. Unfortunately for them the fence didn’t.
“You’re kidding right! We did all that work just to be stuck in here the rest of our lives!” Hunter exclaimed raising the sword to fling it at the ground. “THUMP!” the sword hit something on its back swing. “WHOSH!” the fence vanished.
“Whoa due! What did you do?” Adams eyes got big. Turning around they looked at where the sword had hit the play set. The tip of the sword lay embedded in the plastic picture of a heart, right in the middle.
“In the heart of the park!” Adam laughed shaking his head, “Dude you killed the park!” Hunter couldn’t help but laugh too.
“Well, see you on Tuesday?” Hunter asked.
“You can count on it.” Adam said before turning leaving walking back home to his mom, where he should be.
Watching Adams retreating back Hunter thought Maybe, just maybe life isn’t that bad after all.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Remember Me! by Elise Stepka 8th Grade

Beep, beep, beep. The heartbeat monitor went on and on. I couldn’t believe it. Just yesterday, she told me I drove her crazy, and now… The woman who changed my diapers, and bought me my first skateboard, was lying in front of me, helpless, and I couldn’t be the one to help her.

Wake up!
Open your eyes now!
Come on, you can do it!

Beep, beep. Nothing. Her chest rose and fell, rose and fell.

“Wake up mom!” I said out loud this time. I felt tears stream down my face, and I didn’t even care if anyone saw me. For the first time in 15 years, I was really scared. Not ‘scared of the dark’ scared, but horrifyingly, terrified, scared.
A doctor wearing a white coat walked in, “How are you related to Melinda Jones?” he asked.
“I am Jacob Jones, her son.” I answered.
“I could tell, you’ve got her eyes, “ he said.
I hear that a lot. Dad lives in Texas, he and mom are divorced.
“Your mother had a terrible car accident with a drunk driver. We are assuming that she has a concussion, but we need to wait until she wakes up. My name is
Dr.Telley, I’ll be your mother’s main doctor. I’ll be working with her until she is ready to leave."
I knew the only thing I could do, was wait. I keep seeing flash backs of me and mom. Mom and I at the movies, mom teaching me how to read, mom teaching me how to ride a bike the memories keep playing, like a movie in my head. All of a sudden, the beeps got faster. Beep, beep, beep, beep. Her eyes flickered, and then opened. “Mom!” I cried. I hugged her until she looked at me funny. She looked at me like I was a stranger.
“Can I help you son?” she questioned softly, being who she is.
“I’m your son, Jake!” she has to remember! What is wrong with her? Maybe she’s just a little groggy. Dr What’s-his-face stormed in. he introduced himself to Mom as he did me. "What’s your name?” he questioned.
“Melinda Jones” she replied.
Theres no point in this! She knows who she is.
“What year is it?”
“see she knows!” I told the doctor when I realized what she said. No she’s off by 13 years!
“How old are you?”
“29” she replied confidently.
He went on and on. The only thing she got right, was her name. She still didn’t know who I was. I explained that I was here son . She didn’t believe me. I grabbed a taxi. I had no where to live. I’m only 15 for goodness sakes! I can’ drive, I could live with dad, but he doesn’t want me there. I can’t live by myself!@ What’s going to happen to me? Just like always, I have to depend on adults. Even if they aren’t worthy of my respect.

I Wish I Had Moved To The City, by Halley DeLong 8th Grade

My heart pounded in my chest as I ran faster and faster. I couldn’t look back. There was no doubt about it: she was getting closer. The pouring rain flooded my eyes with dirt and sweat as I tripped and tumbled down into the river, its icy, rushing water dragging me under, threatening a cold watery death. My female pursuer was still after me, except she had an advantage, a canoe, and she was navigating the rocky river like a pro, weaving in and out of boulders, logs and other obstacles. On the other hand I had nothing. Oh how I wished I had moved to the city, with its twinkling lights, and lack of rivers, but for the moment, I was stuck in the middle of nowhere.
I wondered why I hadn’t thought of the canoe, it was laying right there, just waiting for somebody to jump in and go. Stupid me. But there was no time for that, because my head was suddenly dragged under, the filthy water stinging my eyes, and the taste of salt flooding my mouth.
I looked back at the woman, expecting to see a broken canoe, and an unconscious lady floating down the river behind me, but instead, got the worst surprise of my life, a gun pointed right at my nose. If only I had kept my mouth shut. If only I hadn’t told them everything. If only I hadn’t thought I was safe. I wouldn’t be in this mess.
Thursday, September 1st, I witnessed a violent crime, on my way home from the grocery store (even people living outside of cities need food). Now, I’m not talking about someone getting beat up AND stabbed. Being the idiot I am, I screamed like a five-year-old girl, sprinted toward the police station, and when I got there, I fainted. Yup, me, a 21-year-old man, fainted, yup. I guess I had been followed, because now, five days later, here I was.
“Hello Steven.” She said coolly as I stared deep into her amber eyes. I couldn’t believe how calm she was, sitting upright with perfect balance, her long slender arms effortlessly holding the gun to my head. Her slick black hair was pulled into and almost perfect ponytail, with a few stray hairs floating in the breeze. She had a long pointed nose and thin lips set in a constant sneer.
“Goodbye Steven” she seemed to laugh. I blinked, and saw her trigger finger twitch, then watched the bullet come at me in slow motion, the second it hit me, the lights came on.
“Cut” The director yelled, his cigar wagging to and fro like a conductor’s baton. “From the top” And it happened all over again.

Show Don’t Tell, by Sifora Tek-lab

Heat. Intense Heat. That was the only thing he could feel. A nearby flame licked his arm, sending an unimaginable pain through! He screamed and sobbed on the dark burned floor, desperation in his actions.
“Mommy! Daddy He-elp!!”
His voice was now barely above a whisper. He inhaled a mouthful of smoke and started to cough violently! His eyes started to drift close, sleep, creeping upon him, starting to take him away.
He couldn’t fall asleep now. He wasn’t going to die here. He sat up from the floor, went on his hands and knee’s, and tried crawling on the floor to the window.
A large piece of wood landed inches from his head onto the floor next to him. The house was coming down. He couldn’t think straight, he couldn’t move. He was paralyzed with fear. The little nine-year-old boy was dripping with sweat from the intense heat that filled the air. His clothes darkened with smears of ash coming from the wood that had been consumed by the fire just minutes ago. Smoke seemed to cover every wall, surface, that he tried to look at. Only the window was not covered. There was his chance of survival. He had to make it. He was not going to die. He had his mindset up. He was going to survive. He forced away his fear, still not thinking clearly, but enough to know that he had to get to the window. He crawled almost ten feet and then his arms started to wobble. All of a sudden the world came crashing down as his arms let up and collapsed to the ground with a big, “OOF!” Tears welled in his eyes again. He had gotten so close. Just five feet in front of him was the window, was the way out.
Why am I crying? I’m not going to die.
He grinned. Yah, why was he crying? After this, he was going to get ice cream with mommy and daddy. I’m gonna get something different. Maybe we can all share something. Just like when I was younger and we shared that ice cream cone. Just like back then. His eyes started to slowly drift close. This time he accepted it welcomingly. Everything went black. But right before he lost conciseness he heard a voice, fading, but he still heard it.
“Hey, I found the kid! He’s out cold, lets get him ou…”
The air tasted funny. Different..cold. It was like someone was forcing it, making him breathe.
“He’s waking up! He’s regaining conciseness!”
Who was that? Where am I? He opened his eyes and light exploded everywhere! He was in a hallway and the walls seemed to move. Like those movies when all of a sudden you’re sucked into hyperspace, and all the walls around you seem to rush past. He was in a bed too, being pushed. Then he remembered. The fire, the smoke, the heat and flames ready to consume him.
“It’s okay son, you’re gonna be okay.” He was going to be okay. He could see mommy and daddy again. He was going to be okay.

The Lake, by Kristen Hamel 8th grade

My back was on fire. I could almost feel the sun slowly cooking my back. I should have put on sunscreen. My lungs were dying. If lungs could sweat, mine would be drenched with perspiration. They were getting one heck of a workout. It was one of those days. One I had no patience for. My toes twitched impatiently.
My voice carried across the water to the dark trees on the other side. I wonder what lives in those trees, just beyond my line of vision. There was a sudden BANG, and Sarah appeared from the cabin, the wooden screen slamming behind her. She raced over to the dock I was standing on. I saw a swimsuit and some blond hair flash by, and she was gone. Only the sudden waves on the surface of the lake showed were she had disappeared.
“EEEEEEK!” Sarah’s head popped up. “C-C-COLD!” she managed to squeak. I laughed.
“Don’t get hypothermia!” I teased.
“I-I-I w-won’t!” she chattered. I snickered.
“C-come on in!” she challenged, a daring look in her eyes. Rolling my eyes, I stood on the edge of the dock and looked down. The surface of the water was no longer smooth from the waves Sarah was making, so I couldn’t make out the rocky bottom. The wood on the dock felt old and battered as I tightened my legs to jump. The dock over-loved by the wilderness. I released the tension of my legs, and I was flying. The cold water waited patiently below me as I was suspended into space. Too soon, I was forced to come down to earth. Stupid gravity. I could stay up here in the sky forever. Gravity, of course, didn’t listen. My cheeks bulged as I filled them with air. My big toe was first, then my feet, then my legs… The world was suddenly clouded. I blinked, but that improved little. It was a beautiful blue. That enough I could tell. The rocks down there seemed to be glowing as the filtered sunlight hit them. The glowing rocks chained to their roots, some seaweed rocked in the eternal dance of the wave. In the murky distance, I could make out a flash of silver. A fish. Living the life of avoiding the fishhooks of fishermen. I had to force myself not to breathe water in my lungs as I took in the beauty of the lake. And the cold. It was like jumping in a pool in wintertime, one memory I’d like to forget. Suddenly, I was in the world of light, color, and air. I erupted from the waves with a shriek.
Sarah laughed. “Don’t get hypothermia!”
I smiled at her blond, wet hair still dripping with water. The face of my best friend.
“I-I-I w-won’t.”

Burning Into Love. by Jena Moody, 8th grade

Two very different people were walking home on what they thought was an ordinary day. But this day was the farthest from ordinary; this day would change their lives forever. Nicole was walking home from her intense soccer practice. And Michael was walking home from a long day at the ice cream parlor. Due to construction they had to take a different path than they normally did which caused them to have a little run in. Both cautiously stepped through the filthy alley, they looked up and saw each other.
“Hi, I’m Michael,” Michael politely introduced himself. “And you are?”
“Nicole,” she replied.
“Nice to meet you Nicole!” Michael smiled.
Suddenly huge flashes of orange whizzed pass their locked eyes. They saw smoke rising from the building next door. Together they ran out of the alley, they got out just as the corner of the alley caught fire. They entered the Target about a half-mile away from the burning alley. They entered the Target laughing and joking around. Nicole clutched her Nike soccer ball and Michael held his employee hat. They strolled through Target just looking at everything from snacks to video games to even snuggies! They just happily walked together glad to be away from the fire. They made their way over to the jewelry section. They saw many lovely earrings and bracelets. Michael kept asking her what she liked for he wanted to buy her a lovely gift for Valentines Day. He was in luck because Valentines Day was only a few weeks away! Now they were at the necklace and locket section in the jewelry isle.
“Oh I love this locket!” Nicole beamed. “I have one just like it! See?”
She reached for her Grandmother’s locket that hung around her tanned neck. But the locket wasn’t there.
“I think my locket is in the burning alley!” Nicole shrieked. “It’s my Grandmother’s, I need it! It was around my neck in the alley but I don’t have it anymore!”
“Then we have no choice but to go back and get it,” Michael announced trying to calm her down.
They sprinted out of the Target and ran through the warm Florida air for a half-mile until they were at the flaming alley. Michael turned his head towards Nicole’s and locked eyes with her.
“I will go and get your locket,” he told her. “You wait here.”
“No wait!” Nicole called, “you’re risking your life for something that’s mine!”
But it was too late; Michael had already disappeared into the alley. Nicole sat down on some nearby bricks and cried. She was afraid! What if Michael got hurt? What if he didn’t find the precious locket? What if he died? She moaned outside the alley. Suddenly she heard sirens. She whipped her head around to see a big red fire truck speeding towards the alley. The firemen jumped out of the truck and grabbed the hose. Nicole ran over to them.
“My friend went into that alley six minutes ago to find my grandmother’s locket and he didn’t come out!”
The firemen rushed inside the burning alley. Nicole was shaking with fear outside the terrifying flames. Two minutes later, three firemen walked out with Michael in their arms. He lay there dead.
“Oh no! He’s dead!” Nicole screamed her eyes filled with tears and fear.
“He’s not, he’s not!” A fireman tried to calm her. “He’s just unconscious, the smoke filled his lungs. We are taking him to the hospital.”
An ambulance pulled up behind Nicole and the firemen lowered Michael onto the stretcher. Tears rolled down Nicole’s rosy red cheeks. She walked over to the hospital and asked to visit Michael Anderson. The nurse informed her that he wasn’t ready for visitors yet but she can wait and go see him as soon as the doctors gave the ok. Nicole nodded and walked over to a chair in the waiting room. She sat there for what seemed like hours but was really only twenty minutes. Finally a nurse came out and announced that Nicole may go see Michael now. Nicole walked anxiously to room 217 where Michael lay in the bed, he smiled when she entered the room and made eye contact with him. She launches a huge smile back at him. She was so relieved that he would be okay. He broke the eye contact that he had and looked down at his left hand. Nicole’s eyes followed. His hand was clutched together as if he were holding something. Michael uncurled his burnt fingers to show a glowing object. He was holding her Grandmother’s locket! Nicole jumped with joy!
“Let my love be with you wherever you are,” Michael whispered. Just then Nicole leaned down and kissed Michael. As they were kissing, Michael slipped the locket into Nicole’s soft hand. A nurse walked in the room and said that Michael could go home.
“Since nothing was wrong and your lungs were just clogged up with smoke, you can go home. Your body stopped working and made you unconscious because you couldn’t breathe. But since nothing was truly wrong you can go home, I bet your parents are worried about you.” The nurse informed Michael.
Michael lifted himself out of the hospital bed. Nicole and Michael walked out of the hospital together. Nicole decided to walk Michael home. On the way home, Michael got down on one knee.
“Are you okay?” Nicole asked. She was afraid that there was still a little bit of smoke in his lungs.
“Oh yeah, I’m totally cool!” Michael replied. “But, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes!” Nicole eagerly replied. They continued to walk home together.
Nicole and Michael were high-school sweethearts. They had been dating for five years. One day they were taking a walk on the beach. Michael got down on one knee.
“Are you okay?” Nicole asked.
“Yes,” he replied.
Just then Michael pulled out a box and opened it exposing a beautiful diamond ring.
“Nicole, will you marry me?”
“Yes!” Nicole joyfully answered.
Nicole and Michael Anderson had three kids. They lived a very happy life with their kids. And it all started in an old filthy alley.

THE JOURNEY TO THE DAGGER OF DREAMS, by Dylan Novacek 8th grade

My Heart pounded in my chest, faster and faster I couldn’t look back, they where getting closer and closer. I ran like I have never ran before, threw the Arabian Desert. So hot and so sandy like a never-ending track. They where coming. Unknowingly just straight ahead was I fall on a rock & I bust open my knee. Sand quickly fells the cut. I couldn’t get up or move. I just lied there on the ground, broken, beat, and scarred. I saw 3 faint shadows over my face, I closed my eyes and saw nothing but black. It felt like it was just for a second or two. But when I had opened my eyes again I was in a hospital room, hooked up to an IV with my knee all wrapped up. I slowly get up and look out the window.
Outside I see miles and miles of sand. I was just standing here in a hospital dress. I hear foot steeps in the hallway. Frightened, I open the window and jump out. “Where did he go?!” a man said. “He got away!” said another. “GET HIM!” I have no idea what happened or how I got in the hospital. All I know is, that the Arabian’s want my knowledge of where the dagger of dreams is located. I ran for about a mile, and then I stopped. I feel my head and I realized the men shaved my once blond hair, there where going to operate on me. I know stopping would be a bad idea, but I just couldn’t run any longer. I look up and see a copter in the sky. I didn’t know if it was my team or the Arabians. I ducked down low. I saw a hand wave from the copter . “Lonnie!” I shout. “Its me , Lyn!” His hand goes back into the copter then it came back out with a rock. He threw it at me. POW! Right in the face. I knew just then that I had been tricked. I tried to run but then men on ATVs came roaring by and hit me straight to the ground. From that point on I was screwed. Motionless on the ground. A hurt head and a hurt knee, dehydrated. I knew the info I had would soon be theirs. Before I knew it a man walks off of the ATV and picks me up and throws me on to the back.
I couldn’t let this happen. About 5 min into the ride I jumped off and rolled out. From there I got an epic second wind & once again ran as fast as I could. I jumped into a rock area where they couldn’t find me. I found a hole to hide out in. I stayed there, with out a sound. I herd nothing but the sounds of bugs and the sound of crackling sand. I had been hiding in there for about 2 hours. As the sun set things got cold. At first it was a nice feeling to actually have a cool breeze come by. But it got to the point where it was like I was at home in Alberta, Canada. I closed my eyes and feel asleep. I recall hearing noises that night, of men talking and searching. The thing I recall most was a loud gunshot. I got up and as soon as a man saw me, I got pistol-whipped. I was half asleep and knocked out.
I woke up in a dark room alone, knowing that is was over. I thought of the dagger of dreams. And what it could do. Fight away any demand, it was worth so much money. Plus it looked really cool, HA. The Arabians wanted that dagger. They wanted to use it for domination. They want people to fear them, they wanted to sell it and make millions and use that money as they’re vice on others so they may rule. Yes I know, it is really lame, but around here people will do anything to be the best, to get by. I wanted that dagger for money as well, but also for history. In fact it was rightfully mine. After years and years of research I figured out the location of it. But all of that didn’t matter at all anymore. Here I was in this dark room. As anxious as I was I fell back to sleep. I dreamed of the dagger. How it glowed in the light, the jewel incrusted blades, the feeling of it in your hand. It glowed as if it was a symbol of vanity. Money and dreams. But what will it even matter anyways. Is it really worth dyeing for ? Dying for gold, dying for lust. My shaven head on the floor, my busted bloody right knee, all my pain that I could feel with each and every gasp of air I took.
After sleeping for a while I woke up, still in the same dark room. Nothing has changed. For a moment I felt safe. I thought to myself, “Where am I? Why am I here?” wishing I never came to this place. Vanity kills. As faith would have it something wicked came my way. I herd footsteps. The big doors slowly cracked open, a small glow of light shined into the pitch-black room. A man violently took me by the arm and took me into the next, extremely bright room. My eyes where still adjusting to the light. I allowed them to take me, I had no other choice. I was thrown then tied up to a chain. The Arabians hitting me. I finally lost it. “STOP! STOP! STOP!” I yelled. They did. “If you continue to beat me then how in the world will you get the location of the dagger?” I asked using my amazing whit. “Tell us now.” I mad said. “Well the dagger is-“ the window breaks open. Came in was Lonnie, my partner, jumping in threw the window. Kicking 2 men in the face. Both fall to the ground. 3 men come running towards him. Hitting him in the gut and in the face. But Lonnie blocks one punch and flips over them with style. With his spiked black hair, white teeth, and ugly vest(it worked on him). As the man fell the ground. He unties me. “Nice job, boy scout.” I say to him. I take the chair and hit one man over the head with it. Lonnie goes all out and aggressively beats down several men. I help him, but yet I’m still too weak at the moment. We team up on one guy then we jump out the window. “Lonnie, I can’t run. What should we do?” I ask him. “ATV! Quick lets roll out!” Lonnie says. No one was chasing us. After an action packed 2 days we where finally in the clear.
“Man , what the hell happened?!” Lonnie, extremely mad at me. “I got lost.” I slowly responded. “I told you to stick by me. How did those men find you?” Lonnie’s anger grew. He was the leader of our team. We are a team of archeologists. We where searching for the dagger of dreams. Our team is a team of 5. Lonnie, Jack, Ben, Bud, and me. I got lost on our way there. The Arabian’s saw me and must have knew I was looking for the dagger.
“Dude?!” Lonnie yells. “Sorry, I feel sick. I was walking to the site and the Arabian’s hit me down. They asked who I was, I told them my name was Lyn. They asked why I was here. They where hitting me several times. I got up and ran, they took my bag and saw all this stuff about the dagger of dreams, that’s how they found out . So the chased me down looking for some info.” I explained to Lonnie. “Lyn your weak. Now listen the others are went home, I stayed back to find you. Now we are going to find that dagger!” Lonnie kept yelling. He was like the leader of our team. But I was sick of it.
“Damn it Lonnie! Don’t you get it? Everything happens for a reason. I’m dying out here. And for what? Gold? Money? Power? I have done research for years and I think that is going to be enough to make some money. After my expericance out here I know more about it. I still have maps at home, the stuff they took is nothing.” “We came to far to stop now!” Lonnie said. “For vanity. Don’t you see it kills?” I yell. “I have research at home. Its to hard to go and find the dagger, and we are going to die out here. This is the end of the line!” I tell Lonnie. He stops the ATV. “Why are we stopping here?” I ask. He gets off the ATV and walks forward. “Does this look like something you’ve seen before!” he yells. The tomb of the dagger. I get up and run into the tomb. It was right there out in the open. I take it and run out with it. “YES! YES! We got it! After all these years!” I yell. “It feels good doesn’t it? You have what you wanted. After you just told me how much we don’t need it.” Lonnie says. “Your right man. But I think after years of searching we dissever it. Vanity may kill, but something like this is worth it. If we can make it we can get it.” I tell him and smile. “We better get out of here.” Lonnie says, smiling back. After years of searching we did it. We got on the ATV and went to the airport and went home. We got past the Arabians and did it all. My life was complete.
This goes to show if you want something get it, but you need to think, is it worth it. For our team it was. I know things got wrapped up pretty fast in my tale. But I got to get going. Tonight is my night…
“The winner of the noble peace prize is, Lonnie Buckwelt, Jack Bertleson, Ben Callies, Bud Gibson, and their leader Lyn Venson, for the discovery of the Dagger of Dreams.”
We made it to our dream. The Dagger of Dreams.
